do business, make money

I have to blow my own horn a bit now. Farid's a great man, we've covered that before. But when it comes to getting things done - always go to a woman. After the visit to IKEA (which by the way was filled with tiny humans screaming and large humans walking extremely slowly right in front of you), there was still some things we needed to get. Like a sofa. And kitchen chairs. And a dining table. Now, I know both myself and Farid, and when school gets started, we see nothing but late nights at the computer. So this furniture business was something that needed immediate attention.

Well, craigslist never disappoints you, does it? After scrolling for half an hour, I found this very reasonably priced sofa. Really big, really red, really pretty (and clean!). Six years of usage, but who cares if there's not any evidence of it? The best thing is this sofa was part of a set, so the 150$ the gentleman was asking for included a chair as well. I jumped on it, emailed him, of course trying to knock off a few bucks from the original price. After some back and forth, he settled for 120$. Via Mindy, I rented a pickup-truck and scheduled to come pick the sofa up.

Meantime, I was still searching craigslist for a table and chairs. I found this cute set of chairs, all different colors, although it came with a glass table. Farid and I don't do glass tables. We'd probably break it within a week. So we forgot about the chairs, even though I had hoped to cover all bases in one zip car-rent. Mindy and Yaz got the car, and we all went to get the sofa.

As soon as we walked into this guy's apartment, I recognized the chairs from craigslist. And the ugly ass glass table. After we got the sofa down to the car, I asked him about the chairs and if he was willing to sell them without the table. He said yes. I asked him how much. He got nervous, he hadn't thought about it. After some aimless looking into the sky, he said 60$. I said "done". So I went and got more cash, while Farid went back up to collect the chairs.

60$ is a steal for these chairs. They're so comfortable. I mean, IKEA charges 80$ for a set of four foldable chairs in plastic, and this guy got 60$ for four high quality cushioned seats. I'm thrilled. The sofa's great too. Here's pictures of everything, just photoboothed for now, so excuse the poor quality. Yesterday I also put up our old mattresses on sale, and a guy is coming tonight to pick up both of them. They're used and stained, he's paying 60$. Which means I can subtract that from the total of the purchases, 120 for the sofa and chair, plus 60 for the kitchen chairs, minus 60. That equals 120 total for all this new shit, plus getting someone to take our old shit and carry it out of our lives. I'm gonna say it - I am awesome. 120$ is about 860 SEK with today's rate. It's ridiculous.

I knew good things were coming.

The cushions, the carpet and the throws are all IKEA



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