steal my work and i'll hunt you down

Now I have to make something REALLY clear for the people reading my blog that aren't Swedish - the work I put up under the categories that start with "Cim" is MY work. It's not inspiration I snatched from another site, it's MY concepts, MY art direction and MY words. Everything under those categories belongs to me, and if you steal anything, I'll find out.

Today in class, this clearly not talented Asian chick presented some copy from my Smart Car-ad as her own. She flat out stole "I want the world to be mine", probably because she thought it was a real Smart Car-ad. I've already emailed this girl and told her that if she does it again, I'll do anything in my power to try to get her kicked off the school. Just because you're too dumb to come up with ideas for yourself doesn't give you the right to steal mine.

That's it.

(And I know she took it from me partly because she hates me and partly because she can't understand English well enough to even think of that line. And yes, I know I probably couldn't get her kicked off, but at least I'd tell the faculty so they know what's going on)

Postat av: robbah

ghaha :D clearly not talented Asian chick

2010-09-23 @ 12:21:37


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