soho baby

Well hello.

This is turning out to be a great vacation. Went shopping in SoHo today, and oh my god, you would have died. Maybe it's a setup for tourists, but I mean, seriously - just street after street lined with boutiques, stores and restaurants. It was like I died and went to heaven. The sale didn't really affect the small boutiques, which sucked, because I couldn't really afford any fine vintage clothing. But it DID affect the general stores.

Zara, H&M, Victoria's Secret, American Apparel, Nine West, Aldo, Steve Madden - you name it, it was there. A-mazing. Zara had the craziest, most well-organized sale I've ever seen. Just stacked with fabolous winter necessities; chunky cardigans and well-made sweaters, tailored jackets and fully lined trousers. Again - A-mazing. Sine I live in San Fran, I don't really need jackets, otherwise that would have been my main goal with that store. I got a beautiful cropped leather jacket instead, 60 bucks on sale. I also got some leather chains at Aldo, that you can use to your preference - I have it on as a necklace today, I'm probably gonna wrap it around my boots tomorrow. Pics below. Enjoy. SoHo is incredible. We spent five hours shopping.

Zara, 100$

Zara, 60$

And then some pics from Central Park and Soho:

We had the best burger in the history of the world at this secluded place in SoHo. Unfortunately, we ate it too fast to shoot it, but we got the fries.

The mayo was sensational, mixed with basil. It tasted like green garden heaven.

We tried on shoes at Aldo, unfortunately all the 6:s were out.

Eternal love Soho, we'll be back.



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