And there's a time and place for everything, and you're not it. This is not it. The peculiar feeling of love not being of the essence, always and forever of the essence, but not right now. For a little while, just let me not love you. Not you, not anyone. It's a cliché, but let me breathe. It's a cliché, but it's not you, it's me. It's not you, it's everyone, anyone. Love devours me, it shoots me off a cliff, it's a device made to catapult innocent people a distance that's great, no need for explosives, lean back and watch me fly.

I can't do it. Loving someone is exhausting. If I'm the object of your affection, close your eyes and visualize an empty room. Leave my heart alone. She's not ready. We'll collapse under the pressure of your passionate devotion, if it's unconditional, create conditions. If it's endless, make it stop. The peculiar feeling of not wanting to be loved - I've never been here before.

There's a time and place for everything, and this is not it. Just close your eyes, visualize an empty room and realize that's what I have to give right now. Leave me be, and I'll grow more beautiful and open by next year. Come see me then.



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