sister, sister, save my soul

Korta utdrag från min first draft till onlinekursen - Sister, sister, save my soul är namnet på uppsatsen:

/We are sisters. We fought and loved each other accordingly. As the older one, I grew to be more and more overprotective. Although I didn't have to be – Chris was smart. Strong. She played soccer with the strength and determination of someone much older, her body was muscular and beautiful. She changed the molecular activity whenever she walked into a room; there was an aura about her that always comes with those who are completely unaware of the beauty they possess./

/Anorexia doesn't strike where it's expected. That's what makes it so hard. We went through rough times, as do all. But the thought of anyone in our family being sick to that degree never dawned on any of us. Other than eating what she referred to as “healthier” and enjoying a different form of workout, she was the same girl as before. Of course she wasn't telling us the degree to which she manipulated her body. She lied, as victims of anorexia do. They lie to themselves, and they lie to whoever starts asking questions. And against better judgment, people turn the other cheek. To make the process of beating this disease even harder, a person that suffers from it can at happier times appear to get momentarily better. Anorexia is after all very much attached to the brain and the psychic health of a person./

/We, her family, never knew we were dealing with anorexia. Had we been informed about the early warning signs, had we had someone we could call, had we gotten help from the medically trained, we could have saved Chris from years of internal grief. She's now been sick for over three years. After several doctors appointments, she fortunately walked into the office of someone who's dealt with girls like her before. Instantly, she got referred to an anorexia clinic. She's now under strict supervision and on her way to a brighter future.

During the first weigh-in at the clinic they told her that if she didn't gained weight immediately, her organs would start failing. We were lucky someone recognized her struggle before her body shut down completely. They told us the average amount of time before people suffering from anorexia get help is eight years. By that time, it's often too late./



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