artist statement
Fick i läxa att skriva ett Artist's Statement i min onlinekurs. Det handlar bara om att förklara varför du älskar det du gör och vad det betyder för dig. Det är så kort, så tänkte att ni orkar er igenom det:
When I was in pre-school, I used to substitute the teachers reading stories for the other kids. Words were my passion and I did anything for the opportunity to stick my head in a book. As I grew older, interests changed, but the words wouldn't let me go. In high-school, I kept killing time building sentences in my head or tapping words with my fingers, as if in front of a keyboard.
It's still like music to me; sentences are lyrics and there's a rhythm in every word like there's a melody in every song. I never thought there was a real place for words in advertising. When I realized that there's actually a profession solely focused on words - that's when I knew I was going to be a copywriter.
During college, I have learned to think visually. You have to be able to do that as a copywriter. It strengthens my relationship with words, it develops it. Also, it's brought me to the realization that design is ultimately connected with words - one can't exist without the other. I keep exploring the world of advertising and I've figured out why I love it so much. Just like in pre-school, I get to tell stories. Convey an image with words, or the other way around. It just keeps giving, and I'm forever grateful that the teachers from my early years let me descend into what seems to become a life-long passion.Jag, Chris, moster Ewa och kusin Therese